Friday, March 23, 2012

And so...

Going to start posting here more often. Mostly pictures and things.

Bouncy staring at the light

Cats curled up with each other

Bouncy and Smokey


Nine months ago, my wife and I got the best pet either of us have owned. Her name is jasmine and she is a service animal.

Your intrepid Blogger

Bouncy and the box

Rainbow 3

Rainbow 2


Bouncy hiding

Bouncy in a Dr Pepper box



Sunday, February 27, 2011

I want a new drug.

Here I sit typing this out on my new iPad. I love it so far. Good device. Definitely worth it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Old Hickory Blvd,Metropolitan Government,United States

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Snow on our final day in Boise.

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A flotilla of fowl...or is that a foul flotilla?

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Sunset over Boise

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A view of Salt Lake City in the distance, and mountains and things, that you get to see when higher than the ground level.

I love hiking, but I'm afraid of heights. It's rather odd that I prefer to climb up mountain trails than to walk on flat ground.

What is there to say?

So, this blog may or may not be dead. I've barely updated it in the past couple of months. Life is good here in the ole hotel room. I'm planning to apply to a certain mobile phone company that has a mobile in their name. I'm looking forward to working with them, if I can. My job is going pretty well, I like it, and I can definitely expand. It's been a year and a half since I started the job, and it's one job that I can definitely see myself doing for quite a few years.

Jenny and I are great. I'm so happily in love with her, even now, after almost a year of marriage. I know that I've found the one person for me. Still struggling with some depression, but it comes and goes and doesn't really seem to have a source.

Went hiking a about two weeks ago. Did two day hikes, the first one was about a mile and the second one was about 3.5 miles. I'm getting a big stronger, but it takes some time. I took Jenny with me and she REALLY enjoyed it. She liked it so much that she insisted we get her some hiking shoes so that she could really enjoy it. This Sunday, I plan on going hiking again, and this time, it should be even more fun. I do have some pictures of the hike and I will post those in this blog and in this post.

Anyway, that's enough for now, I know I don't have a lot of readers, but that's ok.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Saw this in a walgreens.

The level of fail in this picture is mind boggling.


I love it.

The word "betwixt" rules. That is all.

Saw this while working

Saw a pretty girl and her car full of friends driving down the street. Pretty normal here in Florida, except her headlights were OFF, the interior light was ON and she had a paper map spread out over her steering wheel and was driving and navigating.


-- Post From My iPhone